Longwool Sheepskin Colour

Lambskin Colours

Using these Sheepskin colours we can make supply as single skins or as Doubles (2 Hides), Quads (4 Hide), Secto (6 Hides), Octo (8 Hides), Deca (10 hides), Round (1.9m or 2.5m or bigger), Square (straight edges), or Custom sizes. Sheepskin Rugs Made in Australia. Actually, these are Lambskin colours – note the whispy tip on the top of the pile. this denotes these are longwool Lambskin hides. We call them sheepskin coloured rugs as they are more predominately known as sheepskin.

Short Wool Colours

We also have Short wool Sheepskin and Liner sheepskins which are much shorter and suitable for different purposes. Our Sheepskin Shortwool Colours are found here along with our Single face sheepskin liner skins and the Double-face sheepskin liner skins

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